Expose & Exalt

The Journey Experience is a four-step process that includes the steps: KNOW, GROW, & GO. After completing Step 1, KNOW, which involves getting to know Jesus and developing a personal relationship with Him, the next two steps, GROW and GO, are equally important.

In Step 2 of GROW, the focus is on growing in your faith through Bible study, prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers. Step 3 of GROW, called “Discover Your Spiritual Gifts,” involves identifying and developing your spiritual gifts and using them in a ministry within our church community.

After completing Steps 1, 2, and 3, you are ready for the final step of the Journey Experience, Step 4, GO: Expose & Exalt. This step involves going beyond the walls of our church community and reaching out to neighborhoods, cities, and the world. It’s about discovering your mission and purpose in other nations and using your gifts to serve others.

In Matthew 28 Jesus called us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything He has commanded us. Step 4 of GO: Expose & Exalt will take you on a journey to fulfill this commandment.

Remember, Discipleship Happens in Circles. Who’s in your circle that you can expose Jesus too by exacting God with your life? Also, ask yourself, how can you expand your circle to reach more people for Jesus?