New to Hope Point Church? Take the Journey Experience!

Throughout your entire life, you have been on a journey, whether you realize it or not. And just like any journey, if you are not well-prepared, you may face setbacks and obstacles along the way that may prevent you from reaching your destination. This is where The Journey Experience comes in.

Our aim is to equip you with the necessary tools and resources to help you prepare for your faith journey, so you can successfully complete it with purpose. When you reach your final destination, Jesus will welcome you home with open arms saying, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!”

Our Mission

Hope Point Church’s Mission is to EXPOSE people to God’s love, CONNECT them with other followers of Christ, to EQUIP them in their faith, to ignite them to EXALT God with their lives, and to DISCOVER their gifts in ministry.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose is to Be the 3: Love God, Love People, Serve

Our church logo features three interwoven circles with a mountain peak, representing the three fundamental aspects of discipleship: a love for God (Know), a love for people (Grow), and a heart to serve (Go). We believe discipleship happens in these three circles. We call this “being the three”.  To start living out these three circles, we recommend taking The Journey Experience.

The Journey Experience is designed to guide you towards your next steps on your faith journey, regardless of whether you’re new to your faith or have been a follower of Jesus for years. When we are living out “the 3” we are fulfilling all five purposes found in two passages in the Bible, the Great Commandment, and the Great Commission. While the five purposes are described in several New Testament verses, these two passages, relating the words of Jesus, summarize all the others.


Great Commandment: Matthew 22:37-40

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment, And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.”


Great Commission: Matthew 28:19-20

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”


The Journey Experience Happens on Ministry Tuesdays

What is Ministry Tuesdays?

The Journey Experience happens on Ministry Tuesdays between October and May from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  Ministry Tuesdays serve as the central hub for all Next Steps Spiritual Growth Steps & Discipleship Training.

What is One Meal Tuesdays?

One Meal Tuesdays take place on the last Tuesday of each month from October through May when we pause our Next Steps Spiritual Growth Steps & Discipleship Training to break bread and worship together. During One Meal Tuesdays, our entire church family, leaders, and teams are encouraged to fast for the whole day and break the fast together from 6:30-7:00 pm at the church. The church provides this meal each month.

After the meal, we engage in a time of worship, prayer, intercession, and testimonies about the amazing things God is doing in and through the ministry of Hope Point Church.

Have You recently Said Yes to Jesus? Your Journey Starts Here!

If you’ve recently surrendered your life to Jesus and accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, we join with all of heaven in rejoicing with you! This is the greatest step you will ever take in your life. You are now part of the family of God, and we welcome you with open arms. Congratulations! Your Next Step is our New Believer Class.


Journey Step 1: KNOW: What We Believe & How You Fit In! Join the Church - Ownership

If you are new to Hope Point Church, your first step on your new journey is KNOW What We Believe & How You Fit In. Upon completion of this step, you will be asked if you want to join the church family by becoming an Owner.


Journey Step 2: GROW: Equip & Connect

The Journey Step 2, GROW: Equip & Connect, EQUIP you with the necessary gear you need for the journey to grow in your faith, as well as CONNECT you with other followers of Christ on the journey. Remember, no one should take this journey alone.


Journey Step 3: GROW: Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (Sessions 1 & 2)

Did you know that you are gifted? That’s right! When you surrender your life to Jesus, you are deposited with spiritual gifts that will enhance your ability to serve God and others through a ministry in your new church family. The Journey Step 3, KNOW: DISCOVER Your Spiritual Gifts, helps you unpack your spiritual gifts God has given you for ministry.


Journey Step 4: GO: Expose & Exalt

The Journey Step 4, GO: Expose & Exalt, unpacks how you make God obtainable is when we EXPOSE people to God’s love when we EXALT God with our daily lives.  Remember Discipleship Happens in Circles. Who’s in your circle that you can Expose Jesus too by Exacting God with your life?


Foundations Discipleship Training Course

Our Foundations Discipleship Training Course is an 8-month commitment for those who have completed The Journey’s Know, Grow, and Go Steps and now wish to become disciples of Jesus. This in-depth course covers the 11 core values of the Christian faith and provides guidance on how to live your God-given purpose as a disciple of Jesus.